Monday, May 10, 2010

Son of a Gun gets 4.5 stars at Literary Nymphs

A very nice review at Literary Nymphs for "Son of a Gun". She gave it 4.5 nymphs. Pretty good for a romance that is all about the action adventure with the romance and heat as a side dish. (There IS heat, though. I saw a comment somewhere that an anonymous somebody had said there were no hot scenes in the book.)


  1. Congrats!

    No heat?? Did that person read some other book and confuse the two?! ;)

  2. Well, I'm not sure how it happened. But I saw the comment on goodreads and I did drop a note there to correct the misapprehension.

  3. Congrats on the great review and high rating!

  4. Thank you. I wish I could say the sequel will be out soon, but I'm on another book at the moment.
