I have a yahoo email account, so I get the latest news, as reported by Associated Press, right next to my 'mail' box. I often click on the links and read the articles and sometime, if I find the article particularly interesting, I'll scroll down to read the comments of other readers.
Or.. I USED to read those comments. With complete anonymity, the unmonitored yahoo comments section has become a place where people can spew their sociopathic vitriole without ever needing to take responsibility for their words.
The recent shooting of Representative Gifford, for instance, spawned this comment: "shooting a Dem in the head isn't life thereatening. they've got no vital organs there." (sic)
Seriously? You post this on the internet? "Who are these people?" I asked -E-.
"They don't live in California," she tried to soothe me.
I don't believe her.
Well, someone has decided to TRY to get yahoo to at least moderate their comments section. He's started a facebook group here and I encourage you to join. If you're into facebook , that is.
And check out this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/30/opinion/30zhuo.html?_r=1
regarding the same topic.
That NY Times article was interesting - thanks.